This copyright statement applies to all photography, images & text found on this website, and any other sites found on the & domains. Please read carefully before downloading, linking to, re-publishing online and in print, sharing in social media or printing copies for use.
© Copyright 2009-2018 Mateusz Kulik T/A StanceSyndicate & T/A ELF11. All rights reserved.
I. Proprietary Rights
The photographs, images and textcontained on this, and any other site under the domain, are the property of Mateusz Kulik and are protected by Irish and International copyright laws. All copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights in this site, are the property of Mateusz Kulik.
All photographs, images and text on are copyrighted.
No permission, either express or implied, is granted for the electronic transmission, storage, retrieval, or printing of the photographs, images and text contained on, other than that which is related to the normal “caching” practices of web browsers and activities such as downloading solely for your personal enjoyment. No parties/individuals visiting or viewing images from, may otherwise copy, modify, publish, transmit, or distribute the contents of the photographs, images or text found herein.
Express written permission must be granted, on behalf of the photographer (copyright holder, Mateusz Kulik), in order to use these photographs for any purpose that is not outlined above, incl. online publication in magazines, blogs or in print. Copyright holder consent is required for use of any copyrighted content found herein, including photographs, images and text.
Your use of or viewing of this statement indicates your acceptance of these conditions.
II. Personal Use Criteria
The following are a list of conditions where I, Mateusz Kulik, give individuals permission to link to (or copy) JPEG images and other material at no charge:
- You may print a copy of any photograph for personal reference without further permission.
- Students are welcome to download images and incorporate them into school reports, presentations, etc. for free so long as proper credit/citation is given, without my further permission.
- Anyone can download images from Wallpapers Page for the express use of displaying them on screen on any personal computer that is not being used for commercial or public viewing purposes.
III. Free Web Usage Criteria
The following conditions define my authorization for use of my photographs, images or text found herein on the Web, free of charge, so long as proper attribution of copyright is given to me, Mateusz Kulik and include the e-mail address, in said attribution:
1. You may make LINKS to the images on pages you maintain for yourself for personal, non-commercial use.
2. If you are preparing FREE online site guides for other photographers, bloggers, and photograph forums, you may make use of these images, BUT ONLY IF YOU ATTRIBUTE THEM AS DESCRIBED ABOVE.
IV. Commercial Use
Those persons who wish to use the photography, images and/or text found on this site in a commercial fashion must receive written consent from me, Mateusz Kulik, prior to its commercial use. To obtain consent, interested parties should send an e-mail to In that e-mail the following should be addressed:
1. Photograph(s), image(s) or text you would like to use
2. Where they will be displayed
3. How they will be displayed
4. Intent of its display
5. Duration of their public viewing
6. Any other information you feel would be useful
Any commercial use of my photography without prior consent is a violation of Irish and International copyright law. Any breach of above copyright will be prosecuted.
V. Copyright Protection Tactics
In attempts to maintain the integrity of the copyrighted photographs, images and text found on this site, several copyright protection methods have been utilized. Some of these tactics include, but are not limited to:
1. Placement of watermarks
2. Resizing of images
3. Conversion of images to low resolution for web use
If you would like to use a specific photograph with some of the copyright protection tactics removed, please e-mail me at and describe what the intended use of the imagery with the copyright protections tactics reduced.
VI. Copyright Infringement is Serious
The act of infringing on a copyright is a very serious business and is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. I have worked very hard to present you with a quality photographic experience and I kindly ask that you will refrain from copying anything from the site onto your own hard drive, diskette(s), printer, etc.
You are welcome to copy the hyperlinks to other sites found on stancesyndicate,com, however, I ask that you do not copy any of the graphics, photographs, or articles from this site for your own use (other than the terms stated above). Doing so is an infringement of Irish and International copyright laws.